Birthday Birding!

For my birthday last week, I took myself to Starbucks for my free bday drink and to my favorite Ft. Mose for pix. I got lucky as I did get to find and photograph a Kingfisher, but ironically on the side of Rte. 16 I saw one before getting to the fort. They always seem to know when I am near and they fly just out of good photographing range. This time I had a little more success, but I wish the one where she had her meal in her mouth was more clear. Reminder that I need the long lens I have been drooling over for a little while. As this site gives me trouble, I am not going to play around with organizing photos.

I think this is a Snowy Egret

Hawk was on a wire. This is one of many (along with Kingfishers) I saw on this route to Ft. Mose, which is the same I see when I go to work. Every day it makes a nice drive even nicer to see these birds. Unfortunately, they are always in a lousy place for pictures - always makes me face into the sun and there's not a lot of space to pull off the road.

Female Kingfisher before I got to the Ft. Mose park.

Kingfisher with meal.

Moth that looked so much like a leaf!

I think this is a Little Blue Heron

Lizard on the bench.

Snowy Egret (I think)

Same bird as above.

I think this is a Tern. Would have been great to have my long lens for this guy too!
