Obsessed with birds...

Not sure that my neighbors would be as thrilled as I was to find such a bird in great range of my camera. Then, onto where I've seen ostriches before. Like going back as often as I can 'cause ya never know when you get that better shot. Then it was on to the St. John's Pier where I saw lots of flying pelicans and some grackles and pigeons. The best really was how close I could get to the Pelicans! I really could almost touch them. Of course, that would not have been wise. As I have been too lazy to find another way to post/blog, the terrible layout will have to do!
Once again, I give up trying to do anything remotely attractive to the layout of this page in the worst software ever. When I'm not so tired and/or lazy, will go finding another way to blog. This is TERRIBlE so please scroll all the way to the very bottom to see pictures. Unless this takes on a mind of its own, I will set the beach scene at the end so you'll know you've scrolled through all pictures.

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