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After a fruitless day of job searching, it is time to post some pictures from yesterday's excursion. I walked around near/through the downtown area. Here will be posted pics of Flagler College, some signs, cool buildings, a random bird and obligatory gecko - both let me get close. And Villa Zorayda - a really cool museum that I was in the other day.

This is TERRIBLE software for creating a cohesive story with a combination of text and photos. I am exhausted from fighting this software and not up for finding something else, soooo, if you're interested in seeing all the photos, please be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom as this system will not allow me to move the pictures fluidly so you get to see a ton of white space!

I am now purposely rambling to create a better visual that will allow me to wrap the text around some photos, but I suspect there will be straggling photos at the bottom.
This area is full of great buildings to look at as you just stroll along the main streets. As I got closer to the water there were a handful of cute shops, including a coffee place, that would have been fun to step into if I had been in the mood, but I was more interested in walking around.

Not shown is a horse-drawn carriage. I debated posting it just to show what I can't stand - the horses simply don't belong walking around the traffic. But that's for a different blog.
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